Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Services offered to Women with Cancer

The numbers of women who are affected by cancer every year are steadily increasing. Many women are struggling to fight it, but it can be very devastating. And as hard as it is, staying positive is one of the best things someone with cancer can do to help. Many women are unaware of all the support they can get. These days it's more than just support hot lines and groups. There are numerous FREE services available to women all over the country with cancer to help them with their fight.

One of these services is an iPhone application released by Breastcancer.org. Patients put in their information on the type of cancer they have and it gives them detailed information on that specific type of cancer as well as definitions of common medical terms that their doctor probably told them but didn't go into detail about. Another free service is called Look Good….Feel Better Workshops. These free workshops are available to women with cancer all over the country. Beauty professionals teach women how to apply makeup and conceal changes of the body due to chemotherapy. They also teach them how to wear wraps and how to fit wigs. Women also receive free makeup kits along with their lesson. Another company called The Finest Accessories sends out the Good Wishes scarf to women who have lost their hair due to ant kind of illness. Each scarf is made out of silk and the customer picks out the color and fabric. There is also a volunteer group called Heavenly Hats that gives out different types of hats to women who have lost or are in the process of losing their hair due to chemotherapy.

Women battling cancer can also receive free housecleaning services. Cleaning for a Reason is a nonprofit organization that offers four free housecleaning visits to women undergoing treatment for cancer. Chemo Angels is another company that has volunteers that offer encouragement and send free pick-me-up gifts to cancer patients. You can sign up online or a friend or family member can even request it on their behalf. Other companies include Casting for Recovery and Fill a Heart Pillow. A support system is one of the keys for a full recovery for anyone battling cancer. I encourage anyone who is suffering from or knows someone suffering from cancer to take advantage of these services.


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